Somerset including Bath
1636 inquiry whether Churchwardens there suffered any Playes, Feasts, Banquets, Church-Ales to be kept in your Church, Chappell, or Churchyard in the diocese of Bath and Wells
ENTRY: p. 430 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELLS 1636 Bishop William Piers' Visitation Articles STC: 10137.9 sig C VOLUME: Records of…1635 Eleanor Butcher did daunce being absent from church on the sondaie in Pitminster
ENTRY: p. 207 / pp. 820-21 PITMINSTER 1635 Ex Officio Act Book SRO: D/D/Ca 309 f 6* (December) VOLUME: Records of…1635 Alice Butcher did daunce being absent from church on the sondaie in Pitminster
ENTRY: p. 207 / pp. 820-21 PITMINSTER 1635 Ex Officio Act Book SRO: D/D/Ca 309 f 6* (December) VOLUME: Records of…1633 petition to Charles I to grant allowance to supprese all the foe mencioned vnlawfull assemblys of Church Ales Clarke Ales and Bid Ales in the County of Somerset
ENTRY: pp. 443-44 COUNTY OF SOMERSET 1633 Petition of Somerset JPS to Charles I PRO: SP 16/255 single sheet* (before…1633 former order for the suppressing of Church ales, Clerkes Ales Wake and Reuells to be reuoked and made vtterly void in the County of Somerset
ENTRY: p. 443 COUNTY OF SOMERSET 1633 Assize Order for Western Circuit PRO: SP 16/255 single sheet* (before 18 August) VOLUME:…1631/2 ordered that Reuells Church ales clarkes ales and other publique Ale be vtterly form henceforth suppressed in the County of Somerset
ENTRY: p. 437 COUNTY OF SOMERSET 1631/2 Assize Order Book for Western Circuit PRO: ASSI 24/20, pt 1 ff 49v-50*…1630 inquiry whether Churchwardens there suffered any Playes, Feasts, Banquets, Church-Ales to bee kept in your Church, Chappell, or Churchyard, or Bels to bee rung superstitiously on holidayes or Eues in the diocese of Bath and Wells
ENTRY: p. 425 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELLS 1630 Bishop Walter Curle's visitation Articles STC: 10137.5 sig Ci verso* VOLUME: Records…1629-30 Jane Howse cited for dauncing vppon a sonndaie att tyme of divine service or sermon in Bath
ENTRY: p. 27 / p. 765 BATH 1629-30 Ex Officio Act Book SRO: D/D/Ca 273 f [17]* (16 September) VOLUME: Records…1629-30 Margery Smith cited for dauncing vppon a sonndaie att tyme of divine service or sermon in Bath
ENTRY: p. 27 / p. 765 BATH 1629-30 Ex Officio Act Book SRP: D/D/Ca 273 f [17]* (16 September) VOLUME: Records…1629 inquiry whether Churchwardens there suffered any Playes, Feasts, Banquets, Church-Ales to bee kept in your Church, Chappell, or Churchyard, or Bels to bee rung superstitiously on Holidayes or Eues in the diocese of Bath and Wells
ENTRY: p. 425 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELLS 1629 Bishop Leonard Mawe's visitation Articles STC: 10137.4C sig C verso VOLUME: Records…