1636 Jane Wooffe, daughter of Richard Wooffe, for dauncing contrarie to the kinges Maiesties prohibicion on the saboath dayes betwixt morning ande evening prayer.
ENTRY: p. 71-73 / 548-50 LONG STANTON 1635 Archdeaconry of Ludlow Acts of Office HRO: box 38, vol 140 ff…1636 Anne Jefferies for dauncing contrarie to the kinges Maiesties prohibicion on the saboath dayes betwixt morning ande evening prayer.
ENTRY: p. 71-73 / 548-50 LONG STANTON 1635 Archdeaconry of Ludlow Acts of Office HRO: box 38, vol 140 ff…1636 Anne Smith for dauncing contrarie to the kinges Maiesties prohibicion on the saboath dayes betwixt morning ande evening prayer.
ENTRY: p. 71-73 / 548-50 LONG STANTON 1635 Archdeaconry of Ludlow Acts of Office HRO: box 38, vol 140 ff…1636 Anne Gittyns, servant of Mr Thomas, for dauncing contrarie to the kinges Maiesties prohibicion on the saboath dayes betwixt morning ande evening prayer.
ENTRY: p. 71-73 / 548-50 LONG STANTON 1635 Archdeaconry of Ludlow Acts of Office HRO: box 38, vol 140 ff…1628-9 Elizabeth lloyd and about five more maydes daunced and some of the youths daunced with them in Shrewsbury
ENTRY: pp. 316-17 SHREWSBURY 1628-9 Examination of Ozias Lloyd SRO: 3365/2230 single sheet-single sheet verso (5 July) VOLUME: Records of Early…1625-6 a neighboures Child of Coleham would singe when yt was noe due tymes for singing in Shrewsbury
ENTRY: p. 315 SHREWSBURY 1625-6 Petition of Richard Botfield SRO: 3365/2639 single sheet* (6 December) VOLUME: Records of Early English Drama:…1619/20 one [Randle Baylie] Thomas Chelmarshe did fetch the Comunion table carpet from the church to the parsons house where was then the said Millichap the parsons wyfe maid & mother in lawe & the said Millichap tooke it & carried it to the place where the same was vsed for a flagge in a morrice daunce in Clee St Margaret
ENTRY: p. 42 / p. 525 CLEE ST MARGARET 1619/20 Archdeaconry of Ludlow Acts of Office HRO: box 36, vol…1619 Maria Blakeway, daughter of Roger Blakeway, was detected on sunday together with others who did manteigne a minstrell to play with taber and pipe in the howse of Edward harding ale seller betweene morning and Evening praier and with others there dancing before Evening praier in Little Wenlock
ENTRY: p. 65 / p. 545 LITTLE WENLOCK 1619 Archdeaconry of Ludlow Acts of Office HRO: box 36, vol 135…1615 Frances Bushop, wife of Richard, for dauncinge vppon Stokes Greene vppon sondaie after midsummer daye last past a greate parte of the daie in Stoke St. Milborough
ENTRY: pp. 325-26 / pp. 623-24 STOKE ST MILBOROUGH 1615 Archdeaconry of Ludlow Acts of Office HRO: box 36, vol…1608 Margery Heynam dismissed after citation for beinge absent on sonday from evieninge prayer and prophaninge the saboth day in Dauncinge and drinckeinge att ffarlowes wake in Farlow
ENTRY: p. 58-62 / pp. 537-41 FARLOW 1608 Archdeaconry of Ludlow Acts of Office HRO: box 35, vol 142 ff…