1640/1 Henrietta Maria Stanley, Lady Molineux, child bride at 10 yrs old, who played April in a masque in Stanley of Knowsley
ENTRY: p. 184 STANLEY OF KNOWSLEY, LATHOM HOUSE, AND NEW PARK 1640/1 A Masque at Knowsley House National Library of…1641 a Contry song remembring the harmetless mirth of Lancashyre in peaseable tymes, with wentches and Ladds who did daunce about the maypoule in Little Crosby
ENTRY: pp. 32-35 LITTLE CROSBY 1641 Blundell Family Hodgepodge Book: LRO: DDBI Acc 6121 ff 182-2v* VOLUME: Records of Early English…1636 inquiry whether hath your church or Church yard beene abused, and prophaned by any summer Lords, feats, or other prophane usage in your Church or Church-yard, any bells superstitiously rung on Holidayes or their eeves in the Province of York and Diocese of Chester
ENTRY: p. 216 PROVINCE OF YORK AND DIOCESE OF CHESTER 1636 Archbishop Neile's Visitation Articles STC: 10380.5 sig A2 VOLUME: Records…1634 inquiry whether hath your Church or Chappel, Church-yard, or Chappel-yard beene abused or profaned by any Summer Lords, Feasts, or other profane usage whatsoever in the Province of York and Diocese of Chester
ENTRY: p. 216 PROVINCE OF YORK AND DIOCESE OF CHESTER 1634 Bishop Bridgeman's Visitation Articles STC: 10177 sig B2 VOLUME: Records…1633 inquiry whether hath your Church or Church-yard beene abused and prophaned by any summer Lords, feasts, or other prophane vsage in your Church or Church-yard, any bells superstitionsly rung on holidays or their eeues in the Province of York and Diocese of Chester
ENTRY: p. 215 PROVINCE OF YORK AND DIOCESE OF CHESTER 1628-9 Archbishop Harsnett's Visitation Articles STC: 103779.7 p 9 VOLUME: Records…1632: account of a young wild airy girle between 15 and 16 yeares of age, an huge lover and frequenter of wakes, greens and merrie nights where musick and dancing abounded in Prescott
ENTRY: pp. 85-86. PRESCOTT 1632 Autobiography of Adam Martindale BL: Add. MS 4239 ff 7v-8* VOLUME: Records of Early English Drama:…1628-9 inquiry whether are there within your sayd Parish or Chappelry, any May-games, Ales, or any such like prophane pastimes or assemblies on the Sabbath, to the hinderance or Prayers, Sermons, or other godly exercises in the Province of York and Diocese of Chester
ENTRY: p. 215 PROVINCE OF YORK AND DIOCESE OF CHESTER 1628-9 Archbishop Harsnett's Visitation Articles STC: 103779.7 p 9 VOLUME: Records…1617 inquiry whether are there within your said Parish or chapelry any Maygames, Ales, or any such like propphane Passetimes, or Assemblies on the Sabbath, to the hinderance of Praiers, Sermons, or other godly exercises in the Province of York and Diocese of Chester
ENTRY: p. 215 PROVINCE OF YORK AND DIOCESE OF CHESTER 1617 Bishop Morton's Visitation Articles STC: 10176.5 sig B2v VOLUME: Records…1616: Ellen Thropp, called Mr Atherton’s fool, registered in Eccles
ENTRY: p. 244 (Appendix 2) ECCLES 1616 St Mary Parish Register MCLA: L49/1/1/1 (27 October) VOLUME: Records of Early English Drama:…1616 ordered that noe meetinges bee had or suffred to bee within theire Townes eyther by maye games, Riminges, pyppinges, fidlinges danceinges fayers and markettes in the County of Lancaster
ENTRY: p. 234 COUNTY OF LANCASTER 1631 Quarter Session Orders in Time of Plague LRO: QSR 28 mb 12* (11…