Civic London to 1558
1558-9 5 for the accession entry of Elizabeth I trumpets, children with speeches, singing and playing with regals, ordinance, crowds in London
ENTRY: pp. 915-16 CIVIC LONDON * 1558-9 (28 November) [DTR1112] VOLUME: Records of Early English Drama: Civic London to 1558. Edited…1557-8 beyinge saint Martens daye; gyven a Scottishewoman that sange and played vppon the Lute in London
ENTRY: pp. 839-40 CIVIC LONDON 1557-8 Vintner's Master and Wardens' Accounts LMA: CLC/L/VA/D/002/MS15333/001 p 374* (11 November 1556-11 November 1558)…1556-7 ij cappes blacke saye ffor childerne in London
ENTRY: pp. 829-30 CIVIC LONDON 1556-7 Drapers' Wardens' Accounts DH: MS WA4 f 3v of 1556-7 account* (3 August-3 August)…1556-7 ij gownes for maydens of whit breges satten in London
ENTRY: pp. 829-30 CIVIC LONDON 1556-7 Drapers' Wardens' Accounts DH: MS WA4 f 3v of 1556-7 account* (3 August-3 August)…1555-7 to mistres Elkyne for the hyer of billymentes & other thynges for the trymmyng of the mayde in the pageant in the pageant in London
ENTRY: p. 823 CIVIC LONDON 1555-7 Merchant Taylors' Pageant Memorandum Book LMA: CLC/L/MD/F/021/MS34105 f 36* VOLUME: Records of Early English Drama:…1555-7 ij boyes which sang in the to haue for there payns in London
ENTRY: p. 823 CIVIC LONDON 1555-7 Merchant Taylors' Pageant Memorandum Book LMA: CLC/L/MD/F/021/MS34105 f 36* VOLUME: Records of Early English Drama:…1555-7 to lese for his children that played in the pageant in London
ENTRY: p. 823 CIVIC LONDON 1555-7 Merchant Taylors' Pageant Memorandum Book LMA: CLC/L/MD/F/021/MS34105 f 36* VOLUME: Records of Early English Drama:…1554-5 29 Oct for Mayor’s oath-taking at Westminster; pageant, a griffin with a child, St John the Baptist with a lion, woodmen, devil in London
ENTRY: p. 912 (Appendix 1) CIVIC LONDON *1554-5 (29 October) VOLUME: Records of Early English Drama: Civic London to 1558. Edited…1553-4 agaynste the commynge of the Kyng of Spayne; at saynte margaretes Churches in newe fyshestrete/ singing and playenge by the peryshe clerkes and chyldern in London
ENTRY: pp. 784-85 CIVIC LONDON 1553-4 Court of Aldermen, Perpertory 13(1) LMA: COL/CA/01/01/014 ff 118-18v* VOLUME: Records of Early English Drama:…1553-4 18 Aug for entry of Philip of Spain; children as beasts beyond Great Conduit in London
ENTRY: pp. 911-12 (Appendix 1) CIVIC LONDON *1553-4 (18 August) (Saturday) [DTR1089] VOLUME: Records of Early English Drama: Civic London to…