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1620-1 made cleare of the whitson sportes in Wantage
1578 May role of the Lady of May, the Suitor's daughter, for an entertainment, pastoral, at Wanstead Manor in Essex
1596 orders made that no Church Ale, Clerkes Ale, Bid Ale, or tipling be suffered in the County of Somerset
1589-90 of Clere gaines att whitsontide in Bramley
1575-6 receved of clere gaynes of the churchale at whitsontyde in Bramley
1602/3-3/4 received by ye kingalle ye second day in Wootton St Lawrence
1584-5 received at Hoctyde all thinges discharged in Oxford
1640-1 received from the Lord and Ladie last yeare past in St Ives
1617 4 May Elizabeth Cranfield, pupil of the Ladies' Hall, either one of twelve Nymphs, sacred sisters, or possibly one of six drunkards presented by Bacchus, for a masque at Greenwich Palace in London
1612-13 the virgin rescued by St George with his knightes who slew the dragon to bee made for the Shewes before her Maiestie [Queen Anne] in Wells
1544 1 Jan women Masquers, in two groups of eight, at Hampton Court in London
1629 29 Oct role of a Mermaid attending Tethys, for a civic pageant in London
1503-4 receyued of the maydens at hoktyde in Reading
1641 Mistris Marget Myddelton speaks in An Antimasque of Gypsies in Chirk Castle
1532-3 29 and 31 May for the coronation entry of Anne Boleyn; verses by 200 children on scaffold at St Paul's in London
1622 7 Dec Jane Tomkins cited for dauncing on the saboath day before euening prayer in Withington
1627-8 giuen for j pair gloues the ladie and to Attend her in Chester
1540 to marget in Coventry
1635 29 Oct role of Virgo, a female constellation, for a civic pageant in London
1637-8 paid for gloues for the Ladye hose sues furniture rybande rosses & other nessesaires for the Ladye and for the men that waietedvppon the ladye and that attended vppon her in Chester
1629-30 Jane Howse cited for dauncing vppon a sonndaie att tyme of divine service or sermon in Bath
1528-9 money paid for the carrying of the Bethlehem pageant in the St Anne's procession in Lincoln
1613 ? (17th Century) receyved for hockinge moneye in Herriard
1588: (..)ne Goddarde of Oldham with others to the number of threscore as I heard were at ye Ale in Bury
1578 paid iij maries in Coventry
1544 payd to ij maryes in Coventry
1477-8 the young men collected from ale sold after the feast of Pentecost
1636 27 Feb roles of Dancers, representing the nations of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, for an entertainment at the Museum Minervae, Covent Garden, in London
1416-17 for those dancing on the dedication day in Cambridge
1606-7 a stranger came to the citty & his wife both danced on a Rope tyed ouerhead the street at the high cross & shewed strange feats of actiuity in Chester
1590 19 May role of Queen of Sheba, on Pageant 7, for a royal entry into Edinburgh
1624-5 at the neighboures meeteing at Whitsontide in Stanford in the Vale
1522-3 resauid at hoctyde in Oxford
1507-8 allowance is made to John Barns for his labour about the 'Assumption' made on the feast of St Anne in the nave of the church in Lincoln
1618 2 Feb Elizabeth Beaumont, one of six Feminine Virtues (Meekness, Simplicity, Truth-in-Love, Modesty, Silence, Chastity), the lady masquers, at Sir Thomas Beaumont's household in Coleorton, Leicestershire
1518-19 ij Maydens that were in the pagent of our lady and seynt Elizabeth in London
1541 to marrgarette in Coventry
1631 29 Oct role of Parthenope, a Siren, also called Telsipio, for a civic pageant in London
1534-5 payd to the Chyldren which played in the afforsayd pagentes fore bothe the nyghtes of seynt Iohn And seynt Petur in the seyd wacche in London
1557-8 made at hoctyde in Oxford
1607 inquiry whether Churchwardens suffered any playes, feastes, banquets, Church-ales, Drinkings, or any other profane vsages, to be kept in your Church, Chappels, or Churchyard, or bels to be rung superstitiously vpon holidaies or Eues in the Diocese of Worcester
1584-5 gayned by the may Ale this yeer in Stanford in the Vale
1486 15 May our lady had her Speche on a paiaunt with many virgins mervealous & Richely besene in Hereford
1450-1 for the girls dancing on the dedication feast in Cambridge
1602 16 Nov Jane Conney cited for morning dauncing the morrice at Tedston and reveling one the Saboathe daie in time of devine service in Tedstone Delamere
1620-1 receaud att Whitsuntide in Stanford in the Vale
1621 29 Oct role of Truth, a virtue, a female figure, for a civic pageant in London
1535-6 reseuyd of ye lytyll maydys in Badsey
1579-80 gatheryd at hocketyde all thinges dyscharged in Oxford
1594-5 receaved Clear at hoctyde & all Charges borne in Oxford