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1501-2 ressayuyd of hocketide money in Oxford
1519-20 at hoctyde in Oxford
1603-4 receyved at Hocktyde and all thinges dischardged in Oxford
1610-11 received at Whitsontyde all thinges beinge discharged in Oxford
1503-4 on the feast of hocktyd net in Oxford
1615-16 received of henrye Shapland and Elizabeth Taylor lorde & ladye att the Sommer games in St Ives
1626 16 Nov Queen Henrietta Maria's Ladies, any one of whom possibly one of eleven Masquers, at Denmark House in London
1412-13 for those dancing on the dedication feast of St Mary's [All Saints'] Church in Cambridge
1625-6 for hockinge in Oxford
1604 15 Mar Margaret Howard, Countess of Nottingham, in Procession for a royal entry into London
1533-4 received of men & women at hocktyde the same yere in Reading
1523-4 maidens gathered money for the Church of St Mary the Virgin in Croscombe
1612 29 Oct role of Disdain, a Fury, commandress of the Forlorn Castle, for a civic pageant in London
1549-50 payde to martha in Chester
1617 29 Oct role of India, a rich personage, the seat of merchandise, a female figure, for a civic pageant in London
1532-3 29 and 31 May for the coronation entry of Anne Boleyn; children dressed as merchants at Fenchurch in London
1504-5 received of the wyvys for hokke monday in Canterbury
1501-2 gloves bought for Mary and the angel at dawn on Christmas according to custom in Lincoln
1591-2 receved at Hoctyde and all thinges discharged in Oxford
1491-2 gloves bought for Mary and the angel at dawn on Christmas according to custom in Lincoln
1637-8 receaved att Hocktide in Oxford
1420-1 for those dancing on the dedication day in Cambridge
1604 15 Mar Alice Egerton, Dowager Countess of Derby, in Procession for a royal entry into London
1605 all the women yat were disgisayde dyd one the daye of our faste abussede in daunsinge and other wantone sportes in Nantwich
1535-6 of hokmoney gatherid by the wyves in Reading
1402-3 on the dedication day for those dancing in Cambridge
1610 Feb? Lady Elizabeth Guildford possibly one of several Fairies, masquers (female characters), at the English Court in London
1548 paid to mavdlyn in Coventry
1603 Philip III of Spain invited by the Spanish Ambassadour where were Ladyes, and Gentlewomen the best of this Towne to accompany him and they spente the most parte of the afternoone in dauncing, in which hee himself also bare a parte, being taken out by my Lady (Margaret) Lambert
1559 inquiry whether any mynstrelles, or anye other parsonnes do vse to synge or saye anye songes or dytties that be vyle or vncleane, and especially in derysion of anye godly ordre, nowe sette forth and establyshed issued by the Crown [Elizabeth I] of England
1618 2 Feb Elizabeth Beaumont, one of six Feminine Virtues (Meekness, Simplicity, Truth-in-Love, Modesty, Silence, Chastity), the lady masquers, at Sir Thomas Beaumont's household in Coleorton, Leicestershire
1509-10 money Receved of Issabell Man for hokolyng lyght in Pilton
1592 20-1 Sep roles of one or more Maidens, in leaf form, for an entertainment at Sir Henry Lee's household at Ditchley in Oxfordshire
1620-1 the 4 vertues sitting on a mount in the 4 Corners therof for a show in Chester
1482-3 gloves bought for Mary and the angel at dawn on Christmas according to custom in Lincoln
1620 30 Oct role of Clio, Muse of history, Apollo's handmaid, for a civic pageant in London
1531-2 receued of the churche ale in Bramley
1641 Mistris Marget Myddelton speaks in An Antimasque of Gypsies in Chirk Castle
1635 Aug roles of four ladies, for a pastoral at Oatlands Palace in Surrey
1594 30 Aug role of Thetis, the sea-goddess, for an entertainment at Stirling Castle in Stirling
1613 29 Oct role of Truth, a deity, Time's daughter, Eternity's sister, Zeal's mistress, for a civic pageant in London
1599/1600 - 1600/1 receiptes for the Church of wotton at the makinge of the kingeale the midsomer day there in Wootton St Lawrence
1415 the role of Mary Magdalene in a pageant about the resurrection of Lazarus in York
1559-60 received and made of the churche ale att wytsontyde declare in Oxford
1533-4 to Elyn Tuck that plaied the ladye .M. for Midsomer Wache pagentt in London
1593-4 the womane that dyd Ryde in Chester
1543-4 received of the hok money gatherid by the men & women in Reading
1520-21 gloves bought for Mary and the angel at dawn on Christmas according to custom in Lincoln
1602/3 12 Jan Joyce Lane for dauncinge at tyme of devine service in Tedstone Delamare
1605-6 receaued at Whitsuntyde in Stanford in the Vale