1597-8 vppon the twoe Sondayes next goeinge before the Ascention day laste paste, and also vpon Ascention day A greate number of the inhabitants of Oxeforde, boyes woemen and men assembled themselves together early in the morning of theis dayes with drome and shott, and other weapons, and men attired in woemens apparel and brought into the towne a woeman bedeckte with garlandes and flowers was named by them the Queene of May in Oxford
p. 246-49
Report of the University to the High Steward of Oxford
Hatfield House Library: Cecil Papers MS 62/16
single sheet*
Records of Early English Drama: Oxford. Edited by John R. Elliott, Jr., and Alan H. Nelson (University); Alexandra F. Johnston and Diana Wyatt (City). 2 vols. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004.