1595 it ys nowe ordered Agreed and concludyd vpon, that there shall not be any Maye games, playes, churche or parishe Ale[s] or drynke vsed, kepte, or vttered, vpon the Sabothe at any tyme of the daye, nor yeat in, or vpon, and other hollydayes or ffestyvall dayes, in the tyme of devyne service or preachinge of the Word, nor at any tyme in the Night season, nor yeat that there shalbe any Mynstralcy of any sort, dauncynge in the County of Devon
pp. 293-94
Quarter Sessions Order Books DRO: QS 1/1
pp 125-6 (Quarter of John the Baptist)
Records of Early English Drama: Devon. Edited by John M. Wasson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1986.