1591 the Fayerie Queene came into the Garden, dancing with hir maides about hir, and with a garland made in forme of an imperiall crown, which she fixed vpon a siluered staffe, and sticking the staffe into the ground, spake an oration to hir Maiestie, and afterwards, she and hir maids danced about the Garden, singing a song of sixe partes, with the musicke of an exquisite consorte, on the fourth day at the Entertainment of Queen Elizabeth in Elvetham
The Entertainment of Queen Elizabeth at Elvetham
anonymous: Honorable Entertainement at Elvetham, Newly Corrected
anonymous: Honorable Entertainement at Elvetham
pp 1–30
REED Online: Hampshire. Edited by Peter Greenfield and Jane Cowling. https://ereed.library.utoronto.ca/collections/hamps/, 2020. Accessed 11 June 2023.